
Sellers ‘Green’ Friendly Home Updates Come Big and Small Homes with energy efficient systems and appliances are becoming more popular as buyers look to save on monthly costs where they can. Highlighting energy efficient features will increase the demand for your home. Check out the link below for more.
Sellers 12 Fixes That Will Get You a Higher Price for Your House Most homes need a few minor repairs or improvements before they hit the market. Doing these small things before hitting the market will get you more money for your home. Check out the link below for more.
Sellers Organizing kitchen countertops – 17 tips for keeping counters tidy When staging a space one of the first things we ask sellers to do is clean off their counters! Clean lines present better in images, allows buyers to focus on the space, and picture themselves in your home. Check out the link below for more.
Sellers Study: Staging Paramount as Homes Begin to Linger Make your home stand apart from the rest by staging your home. Homes that are staged spend less days on the market. In a shifting market, this is a tool you will want. Check out the link below for more.
Sellers 5 Most Popular Colors for a Home’s Exterior Improving your home’s curb appeal has proven to increase your property value. Here are the most popular home colors. 5 Most Popular Colors for a Home’s Exterior (
Sellers Savvy Staging Tricks to Help You Sell Your Home ASAP You don’t have to put a lot of effort into staging your home for the market. Small changes can make a big impact on demand and overall price. Check out the link below for staging tips. Savvy Staging Tricks to Help You Sell Your Home ASAP (
Sellers Over 20 Ways To Increase Your Home’s Value Adding value does not mean you have to add square footage. Learn what buyers are looking for that will instantly give you a return on investment. Check out the link below. Over 20 Ways To Increase Your Home’s Value (
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