
Buyers 6 Common Furniture Mistakes to Avoid You just bought a home, now you need to buy furniture. Don’t make these mistakes when choosing furniture for your new home. Check out the link below for more.
Buyers Home Buyers May Find Slight Reprieve in Mortgage Rates The market is still hot this summer because of low inventory, but buyers might be getting some relief from the heat with mortgage rates slightly dropping. Check out the link below for more.
Buyers 2024 will be a ‘pivot year’ for the housing market: NAHB CEO It’s time for us to acknowledge the market is primed to pivot in 2024. This is a great article that articulates the complexities of this market. Don’t stay on the sidelines. Check out the link below for more.
Buyers 20 Popular Architectural Home Styles You Should Know What’s your favorite style of home? Modern? Farmhouse? Ranch? Colonial? Check out the link below for more.
Buyers Should Your Home Have An Open Or Closed Floor Plan? 7 Designers Debate Open floor plan or Closed floor plan, that is the question. Check out the link below for more.
Buyers How AI and VR are Helping to Buy and Sell Homes AI and Virtual Reality are becoming more popular in real estate. Here is how they are being used. Would you buy a house just based on AI and VR? Check out the link below for more.
Buyers Top 10 list of most affordable US beach towns for homebuyers in 2023 Looking for a vacation home? Check out these affordable beach towns. NY, CT, NJ towns are on the list! Check out the link below for more.
Buyers Why it pays to buy a house: Homeowners became 40 times wealthier than renters in the past decade “Home ownership is a solid path towards building wealth,” says Lawrence Yun, chief economist for the National Association of Realtors.  The typical homeowner is 40 times wealthier than if they had remained a renter.
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